Dating Violence
Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships
Dating Matters is a CDC developed initiative that will support community implementation of two models of Teen Dating Violence Prevention (TDVP): standard practice and a comprehensive approach to TDVP adapted for use in high-risk (high rates of crime and economic disadvantage) urban communities. Dating Matters will build on evidence-based practice, to develop, implement, and evaluate the comprehensive approach to promote respectful, non-violent dating relationships in high risk urban communities.
Core Strategies
- In-School dating violence prevention education for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students
- Parent training for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade parents that uses the Parents Matter and Families for Safe Dates Curricula. The Parent Peer Education Curriculum is offered in English and Spanish.
- 90 minute Online Educator training for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade OUSD educators (i.e. administrative staff, teachers, counselors). The CDC online Dating Matters Curricula provides educators with knowledge and resources specific to teen dating violence prevention. Educators receive free CEUs for participation.
- Policy development and implementation that focuses on School District policies and organizational policies that can address and prevent teen dating violence.
- Youth Social Marketing Campaign Developed by the CDC that will target middle school aged youth. The campaign will be implemented by high school aged brand ambassadors and will include the use of Facebook as well as a weekly text messaging campaign.
- Evaluation Surveys at Beginning and End of School Year, which include:
- Two 45 minute surveys for students (paper & pencil)
- Two 30 minute Online Educator Surveys
- Two Student Focus Groups
Community Based Organizations
Youth Radio, Family Violence Law Center, Youth Relationship Alliance/Community Advisory Board of Alameda County, and OUSD.
Oakland Unified School District Middle Schools
Standard Schools
Frick Middle School, Madison Middle School, Melrose Academy Middle School, and Westlake Middle School (8th grade Safe Dates evidence based curriculum of 10-50 minute sessions).
Comprehensive Schools
Elmhurst Middle School, United for Success Middle School, Urban Promise Middle School, and West Oakland Middle School.