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Oakland Unified School District

School & District Governance

School Governance

District Governance

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) guides how OUSD utilizes funding from the Local Control Funding Formula and other sources to meet the goals for all students, to better serve high-need students, and to reduce class sizes for grades K to 3.  

Learn more about LCAP Engagement and how you can get involved

School Governance

The central purpose of school governance is to engage in shared leadership and decision-making for increased student achievement in college, career and community readiness. In order to realize this purpose, School Site Councils must engage in developing their Site Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), in a continuous improvement process using the established District tools, including:

  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Evidence-based cycles of school-wide inquiry/cycles of assessment and data inquiry (COST, SRI, CHKS, CIG, School Partner Reports, etc.)
  • The School Quality Standards
  • The Site Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
  • The School Budget
  • Meaningful Student and Family Engagement Standards to assure LCAP target population engagement and focus

School Governance Standards

OUSD is committed to supporting high functioning SSCs that develop their SPSA and budget around a vision of high quality teaching and accelerated student achievement. We have developed a set of standards around school site councils as follows.

(View the full Developmental Rubric & Self-Assessment here.)

Standard 1: Established Governance Body

The School Site Council is established as the elected governance team for the school and complies with all applicable Board policies, regulations, and state and federal laws.

Standard 2: Leadership and Decision Making to Support Student Achievement

School Site Council provides collaborative leadership and decision making to support continuous improvement of student academic, health and social-emotional outcomes.

Standard 3: Meaningful Family, Student and Community Engagement

School Site Council ensures the design and effective implementation of the school’s family, student, and community engagement strategies. NB: Engaging students in decision making is a measure that applies only to secondary schools. (High school SSCs are required to have student members; for middle school SSCs, it is optional.)

Standard 4: Training and Capacity Building

School Site Council members participate in ongoing district and site training and capacity building that develops expertise over the course of the school year in their leadership and decision-making for continuous improvement.

Standard 5: Accountability

School Site Council reports regularly to the school community regarding progress in meeting the goals of the site plan; creates a strong communication and feedback loop between SSC and other school advisory groups and community stakeholders; and engages in regular self-assessment.


To submit your SSC Self-Assessment, please use our Google Form.

For more information and resources, visit the Family Engagement Toolkit. To view SSC training calendars or book an SSC training, please contact our School Governance Specialist, Sara Nuño-Villa.