Strategic Resource Planning (SRP)
The Office of Strategic Resource Planning (SRP) provides planning support, guidance, and legislative oversight to schools and departments as they align funding to academic goals in order to use resources effectively to improve student outcomes.
Home to State & Federal Programs, the LCAP, the SPSA & Special Grant Administration
SRP is home to the following:
- State and Federal Programs
- The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- School Plans for Student Achievement (SPSAs)
- Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
- COVID Grant Management
How we can help...
SRP can provide guidance and support to ensure each school’s allocation and spending of State and Federal funds meets legislative requirements.
Partnership with School Sites...
SRP helps school sites implement the required education policies for Title I and Title IV grants. All School Districts in the United States are required to be compliant with legislation.
SRP assists with School Site Council Establishments
A School Site Council (SSC) is the representative body tasked with developing, monitoring, and approving the site plan ( School Plan Student Achievement - SPSA) and all related categorical expenditures.
The SSC is the key deliberative body for the allocation of Title I/IV funds and other resources to improve academic outcomes for all students and as such should be representative of the school community.
If you have questions about your school's legislative compliance deliverables or would like to get involved, please contact your principal or attend the next School Site Council (SSC) meeting. To Find out if an SSC has been established for the School year, check the SSC and SELL status progress list.