Sexual Harassment Title IX Personnel
The Governing Board prohibits sexual harassment of district employees and job applicants. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against district employees or other persons who complain, testify or otherwise participate in the complaint process established pursuant to this policy and administrative regulation.
Board Policy 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 - Sexual Harassment [English]
Administrative Regulation 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11 - Sexual Harassment [English]
Administrative Regulation 4119.12(a) - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
AR 4119.12(a) - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
Revised 3/1/21
How to File a Title IX/Sexual Harassment Complaint
A sexual harassment complaint may be filed with the Chief of Talent or with the Title IX Coordinator, Office of the Ombudsperson. Complaint forms are available at each school and at the Office of the Ombudsperson. Complaints may also be made verbally.
OUSD prohibits unlawful discrimination (such as discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying) against any student, employee, or otherperson participating in district programs and activities, including, but not limited to, those programs or activities funded directly by or that receive or benefit from any state financial assistance, based on the person's actual or perceived characteristics of race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital, pregnancy, or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information, or any other characteristic identified in Education Code 200 or 220, Government Code 11135, or Penal Code 422.55 or equity or compliance with Title IX, or based on his/her association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics (5 CCR 4610). BOARD POLICY 0410. BOARD POLICY 1312.3. BOARD POLICY 4030. BOARD POLICY 5143.3. BOARD POLICY 5145.7
Complaint forms are available at school sites, on the district webpage at - under Offices & Departments Directory - Ombudsperson or at the Office of the Ombudsperson, located at 1011 Union Street, Oakland, California 94607 or via telephone (510) 879-4281.
For further information, please contact:
Parent/Student Discrimination, Equity or Title IX Concerns: |
Employee Discrimination concerns: |
Gabriel Valenzuela, Ombudsperson/Title IX Coordinator Email: Telephone: (510) 879-4281 Office of the Ombudsperson 1011 Union Street |
Tara Gard, Chief of Talent, Talent Division Email: Telephone (510) 879-0159 Talent Management Division 1011 Union Street |