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Oakland Unified School District

Charter Petition Information

This page includes resources for new charter school petitioners and charter schools preparing to submit requests for approval of a new petition, renewal, or material revision. In addition to request-specific information, the table below summarizes a variety of resources which may be applicable to multiple types of requests. Please review the table below and each corresponding section below to understand more about what is required for each request. For any questions, please contact Kelly Krag-Arnold,

Common Resources


Applicable to New Petitions?

Applicable to Renewals?

Applicable to Material Revisions?

Applicable to Prop. 39 Requests?

OUSD District Required Language 





Meaningfully Interested Student Form*





Meaningfully Interested Student Spreadsheet*





Pre-Opening Charter Site Walkthrough Form (updated September 1, 2020)**





Community Impact Questionnaire Yes No Sometimes No

* The current versions of these documents are for the 2023-24 school year. If the submitted petition is proposing to open in a subsequent school year, all school year references in these documents must be updated to refer to the year that the school is proposing to open.

** Please note, when selecting/seeking to change a school location, all schools should refer to and comply with all regulations found here in the CDE's School Site Selection and Approval Guide.

Petition Requests

New Petitions

Review the handbook prepared by the OCS staff to understand the requirements of submitting a new charter petition in Oakland.

Click here

Renewal Requests

Review the handbook prepared by the OCS staff to understand the requirements and timeline for submitting a renewal request. 

Click here

Material Revisions

Review the handbook prepared by the OCS staff to understand the requirements and timeline for submitting an MR request.

Click here

New Petition Requests

New Petition Handbook

This handbook is prepared by the Office of Charter Schools ("OCS") to serve as a resource for petitioners seeking to submit a request during the 2023-24 school year to establish a charter school to be authorized by the District. Please note, OCS cannot provide consultation or technical assistance to petitioners. 

 Download Handbook

Renewal Requests

Renewal Handbook

This handbook is prepared by the Office of Charter Schools ("OCS") to guide charter schools through the charter renewal process at OUSD.  

 Download Handbook

Forms and Documents

Note: Please see the renewal handbook for an outline of what must be included in the charter renewal submission. Please contact OCS staff for instructions on submitting the charter renewal request electronically. 


Material Revision Requests

Material Revision Handbook

This handbook is prepared by the Office of Charter Schools ("OCS") to guide charter schools through the process for requesting a material revision to their charter petition.

 Download Handbook

Forms and Documents

Please refer to the Material Revision handbook for an outline of what documentation must be submitted to the Office of Charter Schools which is dependent on the nature of the material revision request. For any questions, please contact Kelly Krag-Arnold,

2024-25 Material Revisions

BayTech Material Revision Location Change Staff Report