Titan Family Portal
Paying for School Meals
In August, 2021, the State of California committed to providing free meals to all students for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years.
Students will not need to pay for compliant meals provided by OUSD.
Our department currently does not collect cash for a la carte items.
School Menus
Find the school menu by clicking on Titan Online Menus. This link takes you to a website for Titan, which is the company whose software we use for menu planning.
You do not need a Titan account. To see a school's menu, follow these steps:
- Click on "Check District Menu."
- Type in "Oakland Unified School District."
- Next to "Filter by," select a school from the drop down menu.
- From there, you can change the date and select the meal you would like to see.