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Oakland Unified School District

For Students & Families


See below is a list of resources, contacts, and services provided by our OUSD High School Linked Learning Office.

A-G Requirements

One of the things that makes the public higher education systems in California the best in the world is the high standards that UCs and CSUs require for admission. The University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) require entering freshmen to complete certain courses in high school, commonly known as the "A-G requirements" because of the letter each subject area is assigned:

  1. History/Social Science - 2+ years including 1 of World, 1 of US and/or Government
  2. English - 4 years of college preparatory English
  3. Mathematics - 3+ years of including topics covered in basic and advanced algebra and two-and three-dimensional geometry
  4. Laboratory Science - 2+ years of laboratory science in at least 2 of the 3 disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics
  5. Language Other than English - 2+ years of the same language (other than English)
  6. Visual/Performing Arts - 1+ years of dance, music, or visual arts.
  7. G. College Preparatory Elective - 1+ years (additional year of any requirement above or other elective)

To receive “A-G” credit, a high school course must be certified through the UC course approval process. To be considered for admission to a UC or CSU, high school students must take a minimum of 15 UC approved college preparatory classes. Students must earn a minimum of a “C” grade in the A-G courses in order for the course to count towards meeting the requirement. To be eligible for admission to a University of California campus, students must also earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better in these courses. A barrier is the grade of ‘D’ for which a student gets credit toward high school graduation but not toward the A-G requirements.

For more information on A-G requirements, contact Vinh Trinh, Manager of Comprehensive Student Supports.

Work Permit Requirements

OUSD students have the opportunity to work during high school to earn money and gain valuable experience that will help them after graduation. For details on the four steps to acquire a work permit, please click here.

For more information on work permits, contact Rebecca Lacocque, Director of Linked Learning.

Employment & Apprenticeship Programs

West Oakland Jobs Resource Center 

The West Oakland Job Resource Center provides a unique set of services that includes an assessment; employer referral, local hire, monitor / compliance, pre- and post-employment services, and is a model that complements the existing network of services and training programs in Oakland.

Cal Apprenticeships & FAQ's

A union apprenticeship is an excellent career choice if you like to work with your hands; are willing to serve an apprenticeship for up to five years, depending on the trade you select; have dexterity, mechanical ability, problem-solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively with a team; want to earn a living wage and good benefits; and want the opportunity to advance in your career.

Skilled Trades and CTE @ Laney College

Laney College is located right in Downtown Oakland and offers a wide range of training programs that can help you move quickly into great jobs. To explore programs, visit Laney's CTE website. To understand the enrollment process, explore the Apply & Enroll page.

For more information about employment and apprenticeship programs, contact Emiliano Sanchez, Coordinator of Skilled Trades & Apprenticeship.

Programs and Internships Offered by Outside Entities

Many pathways operate summer or school year internship programs. 

Intensive internship experiences, supported and monitored by school staff who know students well, are powerful means of ensuring that students graduate high school ready for college, career, and community life. Internships provide young adults skills, knowledge, relationships and social capital that can support them for the rest of their lives. They also build relevance into schooling.

For disengaged students, internships show the relationship between school and the “real world” that awaits them no matter what choices they make during high school. For students already engaged in school, internships can challenge them to build the social skills and confidence that are necessary components of success and get early exposure to skills and networks that set them ahead on their path.

For information on upcoming internships and programs, please contact your pathway lead, Tatiana Newman-Wade, .

OUSD Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment allows students who are still in high school to take college-level courses and accelerate their educational achievement. Dual enrolled students earn credit towards high school graduation, while at the same time earning college credits (3 Peralta Units = 10 OUSD Credits). Most Dual Enrollment courses are conveniently offered on the high school campus (unless otherwise noted).

Registration fees, tuition and lab fees are waived for OUSD Dual Enrollment students. All services available to regular college students, such as use of the Library and Tutoring Center are also available to dual enrolled students. Textbooks are purchased by the participating public high schools.

Dual Enrollment is an accelerated path to and through college, saving time and money. Dual Enrollment expands Career Tech Education Pathways at high schools or provide more college readiness courses that are often transferable to four-year colleges. Students who complete even a single college class are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college, persist in college, and complete an Associate’s degree or higher.

For more information, visit our Dual Enrollment tab or our Dual Enrollment website

College Access

The Oakland Unified School District's Postsecondary Planning Website is a one-stop shop for students who want to learn more about postsecondary options.  This website has resources for 2 and 4 year colleges, A-G eligibility, and financial aid! (

Financial Aid and Scholarships

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that should be filled out by every student who plans to attend college.  FAFSA determines eligibility by asking questions about a family's financial situation.  Based on this information, Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is calculated and helps identify other forms of financial assistance.  This can include scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study programs.


Grants are financial awards that you can use to help pay for college costs (books, housing, etc.), and that you do not need to repay. To apply, you just need to fill out a FAFSA.  A Cal Grant is one type of grant given by the state; talk to your counselor for more information. 

California Student Aid Commission: Cal Grant Overview


You can apply for scholarships which you can use to pay for college expenses, and you don't have to pay the money back!  Scholarships are often based on specifics, such as a subject that you will study, your background or heritage, your community service experience, or merit (like good grades, test scores, or athletic success).   

hispanic scholarship fund
east bay consortium
east bay college fund
oakland promise


hispanic scholarship fund
east bay consortium
east bay college fund
oakland promise

Student Loans

Student loans can come from federal, state or private sources. They do have to be paid back with interest, although most lenders will allow you to begin repaying after graduation.  Payments are usually in small monthly amounts, so you don't need to worry about repaying the loan while in school.    

Work Study

You can earn money by working on campus while you're a student to help reduce your college costs.  You may be eligible for work-study based on your financial need.  Most colleges provide work-study programs and the jobs can vary depending on the school.

Additional Resources

For an estimate of whether your family will qualify for need-based aid and the EFC (Expected Family Contribution), you can use this online calculator from

Download the Invierta en su futuro (en Espanol) here!   For more information about Financial Aid and Scholarships, contact Kateri Dodds Simpson, Coordinator of College Access.  

Oakland Promise

Through partnerships with the Oakland Unififed School District, the East Bay College Fund, and scores of other organizations, initiatives, supporters, and champions, Oakland Promise has the opportunity to transform the city and lives of students. Their vision is the ensure every child in Oakland graduates high school with the expectations, resources, and skills to complete college and be successful in the career of her or his choice. For more information on Oakland Promise, please click here.