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Oakland Unified School District

Career Technical Education

cte oakland

Health Academy teachers visit the simulation lab at Highland Hospital as part of summer professional learning, 2018.

Why Does CTE Matter?

Our students find themselves excited about school because of their CTE classes. In CTE classes, students produce artwork that they sell to the community; they create architectural designs that they present to the Oakland Housing Authority; and they lobby their representatives in government. These real world experiences give life and purpose to the academic learning.

cte oakland

Health Academy teachers visit the simulation lab at Highland Hospital as part of summer professional learning.

Why Does CTE Matter?

Our students find themselves excited about school because of their CTE classes. In CTE classes, students produce artwork that they sell to the community; they create architectural designs that they present to the Oakland Housing Authority; and they lobby their representatives in government. These real world experiences give life and purpose to the academic learning.

[The most helpful thing from this week was the] field experience because having the opportunity to talk with industry professions was invaluable.

Teacher participant


Career technical education is a key component of the high school pathway experience for students. The career theme provides a backbone for each pathway around which learning is organized. Students find ways to make their learning relevant and meaningful because they are able to connect their academic learning to the real world of work. Within each pathway, students take a CTE sequence of three courses including an introduction to that career sector, a concentrator class, and a capstone CTE class.

CTE Credentials

Having teachers with the proper CTE credentials teaching in pathways is a foundational goal for Oakland Unified. Teachers who bring experience from a career sector into the classroom best understand how to make learning rigorous and relevant to the careers our students aspire to. See the resources section to learn about how to get your CTE credential and begin teaching CTE classes today!

spring 2018

Guests looking at artwork by Skyline Visual Arts pathway students, 2018, Studio To Be, downtown Oakland)

Links to Key Resources

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