Capstone and Performance Assessments
Health Academy teachers visit the simulation lab at Highland Hospital as part of summer professional learning.
Links to Key Resources
- Graduate Seminar Timeline and Resources
- Graduate Capstone Rubrics
- Capstone One Pager for Educators
- Flow for teaching the research process
- Reflection Tool - Building a performance assessment system at your school
- Partnership with California Performance Assessment Collaborative (CPAC)
- Blog about OUSD capstone project
This work has helped our once divisive academies come together, and the payoff is huge for teachers and, most importantly, for students.
Fremont teacher (June 2015)
The OUSD Graduate Profile articulates a vision for student achievement, which we assess through a Graduate Capstone project. Student success on the Graduate Capstone requires all teachers to collaborate in creating vertically aligned performance assessments preK-12. Adult collaboration is the backbone for building instructional coherence and supporting student success. If we collaborate towards a shared vision for OUSD students, then we see improved student outcomes and increased teacher retention.
Implementation Timeline
Year One
- Adopt common rubrics
- Include Graduate Seminar in Master Schedule
- GC teachers participate in cycle of inquiry
- GC teachers participate in district PD
Year Two
- Whole school calibrates and scores papers
- Align projects and skills at other grade levels
- Incorporate pathway theme and WBL into project
- Teachers, students & community watch capstone presentations
For questions, comments, or related requests, please contact: