Student Accident Insurance
Student Accident Insurance
As of July 1, 2016, all Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) students will be covered by the District's blanket student insurance policy and catastrophic student insurance policy. These benefits are automatic; families do not need to apply to be covered.
Blanket Student Insurance Summary
- Up to $25,000 per incident
- Covers student injuries - caused by covered accidents - on school premises, during school-sponsored activities, or while traveling to or from home and school or other school sponsored off site activities or while travelling in school vehicles.
- For additional details, benefits and exclusions, please refer to Basic Student Accident Insurance
Catastrophic Student Insurance Summary
- No deductible
- Class 1 - Covers all school sports activities
- Class 2 - Covers all student and student activities
- Accident Medical Expense Benefit up to $1 million
- Catastrophic Cash Benefit to assist families
- For additional details, benefits and exclusions, please refer to Catastrophic Accident Insurance.
To file a claim: Student Insurance Claim Form and Directions
For more information
Rebecca Littlejohn
Risk Management Officer
1011 Union Street
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 879-1611