Risk Management
The primary purpose of Risk Management is the identification and evaluation of the risks and potential loss exposures inherent in District programs and operations. The Risk Management team works to ensure the health and safety of every student and employee in the District. The department analyzes and compares the various options that are available to the District to reduce, eliminate, or transfer the District's loss exposures and to optimize safety.
Risk Management also provides the following Employee Services and Support:
- Workers Compensation
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Fixed Asset Management
- Emergency Preparedness
- Certificates of Insurance
- Personal Property Registration & Employee Property Reimbursement
- District Owned Property Loss/Damage
- Insurance Program Management & Reconciliation
Contact Us
1011 Union Street, Site 987
Oakland, CA 94607
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Phone: (510) 879-2897
Fax: (510) 844-3323