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Oakland Unified School District

Local Business Utilization Policy

LBU Policy Overview

In December of 2008, the Oakland Unified School District implemented the Local, Small Local, and Small Local Resident Business Enterprise Program (L/SL/RBE) with the primary goal of stimulating economic development for Oakland residents and businesses by partnering with the local community, especially groups that have been historically disadvantaged, and harnessing local resources to achieve maximum local benefits.

In 2014, the L/SL/RBE policy was amended to raise the Local Business Utilization to 50% participation on OUSD Capital Projects.

In 2021, the District amended the policy to accept certifications from other local agencies for businesses that are based in Oakland. Please click the link below to view the 2021 policy amendment.

2021 LBU Board Policy Amendment 

If you would like to review the summary document of the 2022 amendment that outlines steps to meet the local business requirements, please click the link below.

LBU Summary Handout