Custodial Service Requests
Custodial service requests must be submitted electronically via Custodial's Service Request Form. When submitting an electronic request, please clearly identify the location of the item(s) as well as provide a detailed description of what is required. It is important to remember that loaner and fire extinguisher requests may require you to identify the quantity of items needed.
Broken Equipment/ Loaner Request: All broken equipment must be properly tagged prior to submitting your request (ensuring that the date of malfunction, name of the school site and what is wrong with the equipment is clearly written). If you have multiple pieces of equipment, please submit one request per piece of equipment.
Broken Furniture Removal: All broken furniture which is in need of discarding, must be clearly labeled as trash prior to a submission of a request.
Fire Extinguisher Request: Prior to gathering your expired fire extinguishers in a central location, please notify your Field Supervisor
Overflowing Trash Request: In addition to calling the office for an overflowing trash request, you should identify if this is a missed pick-up or extra pick up.
Gas Request: Identify if you require mixed gas or regular (unleaded) gas.
Other Request: If you require support and it is not listed, please utilize this option.