- Increase Equity Consciousness through common language, understanding & mindset
- Develop Short & Long-Term Equity Strategies
- Learn about targeted groups and share best practices that can inform system-wide improvements
- Lead intentional, equity-focused cross-collaboration projects
- Fundraise for sustainability and growth
After several years of work with individual schools at more than 24 school sites, the Office of Equity has begun an intentional shift that will forge the path towards greater efficacy and deeper support for school communities using a regional approach: Network Community Improvement Science. Utilizing tests of change from BELE Network partner tools, we have documented initiatives with successful impact data and also identified areas within our own system that need increased impact data.
Research on our work has revealed positive measurable change in areas including culturally responsive pedagogy, classroom leadership, community engagement, strong curriculum, and academic supports. We are confident this learning can be used to catalyze deeper investment in high-need schools by aligning our family empowerment, student engagement, targeted strategies, and antiracism and equity learning initiatives to transform outcomes and opportunities for students.
Contact Us
Frick United Academy of Language
2845 64th Avenue
Music Building
Oakland, CA 94605
Phone: (510) 879-2938
Thank you for supporting the Office of Equity. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible through our fiscal sponsor, the Oakland Public Education Fund, and can be applied to our general fund, or to one of our targeted initiatives.