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Oakland Unified School District

Incoming Interdistrict Transfers

Interdistrict Transfers into OUSD for non-Oakland Residents ("Incoming Interdistrict Transfers")

If your child wishes to attend an Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) school and you do not live in Oakland, you must obtain an Interdistrict Transfer (IDT) permit from your current school district of residence.

Pursuant to California Education Code Sec 48204.1(b) an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement Permit (IDT) is required for anyone who wishes to attend a public school outside of the school district in which they reside.  In other words, an IDT permit is required for any child whose parents or legal guardians are living outside of Oakland Unified School District's (OUSD) boundaries and who wish to attend or continue attending an OUSD school (charter schools and private schools are excluded from this residency requirement).  The IDT is also required for students whose legal guardian lives outside of Oakland, even if the student resides with a caretaker in Oakland.


Enrollment Requirement for Non-Oakland Residents

For NEW Transitional Kindergarten (TK), Kindergarten and 1st grade students, parents must present:

  1. Approved IDT from your district of residence.
    Note: Alameda County Office of Education’s Interdistrict Transfer Application is available in English here, Spanish here
  2. Child's original Birth Certificate
  3. Parent's valid picture ID


For 2nd-12th grade students who are NEW to OUSD, parents must present: 

  1. Approved IDT from your district of residence.
    Note: Alameda County Office of Education’s Interdistrict Transfer Application is available in English English here, Spanish here
  2. Child's original Birth Certificate
  3. Student's most recent report card/transcript 
  4. Student's attendance report for the current or most recent school year
  5. Student's behavior and/or discipline report
  6. Student's IEP (for students with disabilities) 
  7. Parent's valid picture ID


Important Notes

Please note that submitting an Interdistrict Transfer request for admission to OUSD does not guarantee that your child's application will be approved. In case OUSD can not approve your request for admission, you should always first secure placement for your child in your school district of residence. Please be advised that the following factors are taken into consideration when reviewing your application for admission:

  1. Student's attendance. 
  2. Student's behavior.
  3. Student's academic efforts.
  4. Whether false or misleading information was provided.
  5. Space availability or impacted programs. 
  6. Other conditions that occur that would render an IDT inadvisable.


Terms and Conditions of IDT's within Most Alameda County Schools

  • Approval is subject to space availability in the district of attendance and may not be at the site requested.
  • Once an IDT has been granted, a student may not be required to reapply unless an agreement between the governing boards of the district of residence and the district of enrollment states otherwise.
  • A permit may be denied, revoked or rescinded at any time by the district of enrollment for the following reasons:
    1. Student is excessively tardy or absent from school, or student is brought to school excessively early or left excessively late
    2. Student fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards,
    3. Student fails to make appropriate academic efforts.
    4. False or misleading information was provided.
    5. Other conditions that occur that would render continuance inadvisable.
  • Continuing students entering grades 11 and 12 shall not have their permits rescinded or revoked by either district.
  • Students who are eligible for Special Education Services may be asked to obtain an Inter/Intra-SELPA Agreement for Individuals with Exceptional Needs, in addition to the IDT permit.
  • If the student participates in any athletic program governed by the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), he/she may not be eligible to participate at the new school. Parent/Guardian should check the CIF rules before submitting this application.
  • No financial obligation shall be incurred by the district of residence for services rendered under this agreement.
  • The parent/guardian is responsible for providing transportation to and from school.