Dual Language programs provide instruction in two languages at the same time. While the details differ, students learn in both languages throughout the day with the goal of being able to speak, read, and write in two languages. Currently, OUSD offers dual language programs for Spanish and English. These programs can be found at Bridges Elementary, Esperanza Elementary, Global Family, Greenleaf, International Community School, Lockwood Steam Academy, Manzanita SEED, and Melrose Leadership Academy.
Learn about Dual Language programs
The district also offers “language enriched programs.” These are programs where English remains the main language of instruction, but every student is able to take a class in a different language. Montera and Frick Middle Schools are Spanish enriched programs. Many middle schools offer world language as an elective or enrichment opportunity, and every high school has language study as part of their core curriculum in order to prepare students for the UC/ CSU A-G course sequence.