Enrolling for this school year
If you would like to enroll your child for this current school year, please contact us at enroll@ousd.org, or (510) 879-4600, or make an appointment for our main office or one of our satellite offices.
2024-2025 Satellite Office Hours
Satellite offices will open on December 9, 2024.
If your child has never attended an OUSD school before, we require the following documentation:
- Child’s birth certificate. The parent/ guardian enrolling the child must be listed on the birth certificate or have other documentation validating guardianship
- One proof of address, such as PG&E, EBMUD, Waste Management, or internet bill. The bill should have your name and be current.
- Government issued ID for parent/ guardian
If your child is returning to OUSD, we do not need any documentation unless the information has changed.