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Oakland Unified School District

Testing Protocol

Water Testing Protocol

OUSD is testing for lead in consumable water at all of our schools and remediating issues as they are identified. While our facilities are generally well-maintained, the average age of our buildings is 57 years old.  it is important that we test to ensure the health and safety of our students and staff.

Our testing protocol stipulates the testing of each type of water fixture at a school site. If there are four different types of water fixtures at a school site, all four will be tested - if there are ten different types of fixtures, all ten will be tested. If levels of lead are elevated, that fixture is shutdown while the source of the lead is identified. Repairs or replacement of equipment is made and retested prior to allowing usage. 

For EBMUD testing protocol and information, please refer to the EBMUD Lead Sampling at Schools Fact Sheet.


On Feb 28, 2018 the Board of Education adopted Board Policy 3511.3 Clean Drinking Water. This policy requires the district to replace or remediate sources of consumable water that contain lead levels higher than 5 ppb. Previously, the district had been adhering to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended action level of 15 ppb. This work will commence in the Summer of 2018.

Contact Us

Questions? Contact your school principal or the Risk Management Office.

Rebecca Littlejohn
Risk Management Officer
Oakland Unified School District
(510) 879-1611

About Lead Levels

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets an action level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) for lead in drinking water.

According to State Water Resources Control Board recommendations, if the lead level in a first-draw drinking water sample collected on a drinking water outlet at the school campus after stagnations is:

  • Higher than 15 ppb: The corresponding drinking water outlet should be re-tested to confirm the initial result. Upon confirmation of the initial result, the drinking water outlet should be either addressed to mitigate the lead problem or permanently removed from service. Any corrective actions implemented by the school for that drinking water outlet should be re-tested to confirm the lead level in water is not higher than the action level.
  • Not higher than 15 ppb There is a strong indication of insignificant exposure to lead at that particular sample location and the corresponding drinking water outlet can be returned to use with no further water testing.


On Feb 28, 2018 the Board of Education adopted Board Policy 3511.3 Clean Drinking Water. This policy requires the district to replace or remediate sources of consumable water that contain lead levels higher than 5 ppb. Previously, the district had been adhering to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended action level of 15 ppb.