Share Your Flyer in Our Schools
Any external flyer or public posting must be approved by the District before distribution at any OUSD school or site. The Communications Department is responsible for approving all flyers and materials for distribution. Permissible materials are stamped to indicate they have been approved. While approved flyers may be posted at our schools, OUSD is unable to distribute flyers and communications materials to our schools on behalf of outside parties.
The District reserves the right to refuse any flyer. Typically, we only approve flyers that have a clear educational enrichment purpose. Materials promoting commercial enterprises unrelated to educational enrichment or those that advocate for a specific political candidate, party, or religious ideology will not be approved.
In order to obtain flyer approval, please email an electronic version of your flyer. We will reply via email with a PDF of your stamped flyer. Please allow up to a week for your stamped flyer to be returned. We approve and return flyers in batches one or two times per week. Your patience is appreciated!
When distributing approved flyers at school sites, you do not need to have each copy of your flyer stamped, but you must have one stamped copy to provide to school staff so that they can verify that your materials have been approved for distribution.