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Oakland Unified School District

Business Services

Finance Offices

Contact Us

1011 Union Street, Site 905
Oakland, CA 94607


8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Phone: (510) 879-8855
Fax: (510) 879-3687

Creating Transparency around District Spending

Oakland Unified School District is committed to creating clarity and understanding around how we invest your money into student education and school site support.

Learn More: Fiscal Vitality at OUSD

Measure G, G1, H, and N Parcel Taxes

Oakland Unified School District offers the following Homeowner Exemptions for two parcel tax measures - Measure G ($195 per parcel) and Measure N ($120 per parcel).

Download: Parcel Tax Applications

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

LCAP is central to the way California funds public education to better serve high-need students and to reduce class sizes for grades K to 3.

Learn More & Get Involved