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Oakland Unified School District

Jennifer Brouhard

Director Jennifer Brouhard was a teacher in Oakland for 27 years, including at Glenview Elementary and Melrose Leadership Academy. She was a special education teacher and also taught history. Brouhard contributed to the California History/Social Sciences framework that guides history instruction for all California students. She developed curriculum for OUSD on the Chinese Exclusion Act, the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, and LGBTQ+ history. “I really want to build trust between the community and the School Board. I want the two, I want the community and labor and the School Board to make our schools the best they can be for Oakland kids… I’m taking the experience as a teacher and now I’m putting it in the arena of policy making. I feel like it’s kind of the next step. I mean of all the years of experience, things that you can see need to be done differently, I’m now part of that.”

Jennifer Brouhard

Board President & District 2 Director
1st Term Ends: January 4, 2027

Phone: (510) 879-1942

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District 2 Public Schools