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Oakland Unified School District

Board Commission and Committee Applications

OUSD Board Commission and Committee Application

Please carefully read the message below before commencing an application.

Click the above link to access the application for OUSD Board Commissions and Committees. All candidates must submit an application. The application is dynamic, i.e., general information plus qualification questions regarding the specific Committee or Commission of interest. There is no need to file a separate application for each Committee or Commission of interest. The application is dynamic, i.e., general background questions and then questions to assess qualifications for the specific Committee or Commission of interest. Accordingly, please select, at the time of initial application, one or more Committees or Commissions of interest for which a vacancy exists.  Please be sure to answer all general questions and the specific questions pertaining to each Committee or Commission of interest and then submit the application. If you fail to complete the application for multiple bodies of interest concurrently, you may have to wait at least 23 days before you can submit an additional application. 

A description of each Committee and/or Commission's responsibilities is also available (Board Tab) and the specific membership qualifications for an open position (Vacancies Tab) is available via the link above. 

Existing or Upcoming Vacancies:

  • Audit Committee 1 (As of Today)

A request for more information may be directed to Edgar Rakestraw, Jr. If you wish a response by telephone, please include your telephone number in the email.