Retiree Health Benefit Options
As an active OUSD employee, your health benefits have been subsidized; as a retiree, while you are still able to participate in the district's group plans, your coverage plan, and costs will change. It's important to start planning for the transition to your retirement healthcare early!
Please come to a Benefits Drop-in session on Thursdays from 3:30-4:30pm on Zoom or email Benefits to setup an appointment. Please note that there won't be Benefits Drop-in sessions during school breaks.
Register for a Kaiser Permanente Medicare 101 webinar to learn about your Medicare health plan options.
2024 Session Dates
Thurs. 4/25/24 4:00 - 6:00pm
Thurs. 5/23/24 4:00 - 6:00pm
Thurs. 6/27/24 4:00 - 6:00pm
You'll learn:
To help your planning process, below are links to information about the two options offered for Retiree HealthCare:
OUSD's Retiree Health Benefits Rates
Kaiser Senior Advantage
Kaiser Senior Advantage Plan summary
Información del plan Kaiser Sr Advantage
Kaiser Medicare Member Services: (800) 633-4227
United Healthcare for Seniors
UHC Retiree Health Plan information
United Healthcare Member Services: (888) 586-6365
Benefits Administration for Retiree Participants
Once you are enrolled as a retiree, your Benefits are administered through a Third Party Administrator - you will work directly with them rather than OUSD Benefits Staff for coverage and billing questions.
Read Template Retiree Welcome Letter
Are you thinking of retiring within the next YEAR?
See steps here to start planning now!
- How Medicare works: Parts A, B, C, and D
- How to know if you’re eligible
- When to enroll in Medicare or switch plans
- PHONE: P &A Customer Service Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8am to 10pm EST (11AM - 7PM PST) at (800) 688-2611.
- Live chat is available during the same hours on our website, by clicking the "Online Chat" tab on the top of the page or through the "Contact Us" tab with a billing question.