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Oakland Unified School District

Pension and Retirement Savings Plans

An important part of your retirement planning is saving to have enough income after you stop working. This page has information about two kinds of savings tools offered through OUSD - Pension plans and Supplemental Annuity accounts.

Read on to learn more about your Retirement savings opportunities through OUSD!

PLEASE NOTE: OUSD Benefits staff cannot advise you on setting up or managing any savings plans! OUSD is not a financial advisor and will not act in that role for employees. Management of your savings is very personal and our providers and these public pension plans all have expert advice available.

Contact Us

1011 Union Street, Site 944
Oakland, CA 94607

(510) 879-0202

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Weekly drop-in hours

The Benefits Team holds weekly drop-in hours on Thursdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm on Zoom

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Pension Plans

PENSIONS are savings plans employees pay into through their work which will then be there for them after work ends. All OUSD employees are enrolled in one of these pension plans:

  • CalPERS, the California Public Employee Retirement System (for Classified Employees),
  • CalSTRS, the California State Teacher Retirement System (for Certificated Employees) or
  • PARS, the Public Alternative Retirement System for employees who are hourly or work less than .25 FTE

These are public employee retirement systems with millions of members. They are governed by elected boards and their purpose is to maintain a growing and solvent fund through investment and contributions which will fund members' retirements.

Additionally, classified employees are Social Security contributors. Certificated employees are not Social Security contributors while they are employed as certificated staff, but may have Social Security earnings contributions from prior and subsequent positions. 

Contact information and websites for these plans are shown below - we encourage you to learn more about your retirement savings options!PLEASE NOTE: OUSD Benefits staff cannot advise you on your retirement plan or answer any questions about the state pension funds - your plan has experts available to advise you.

Classified Employee Retirement Program

CalPERS - California Public Retirement System

888-225-7377 (888-Cal-PERS)

Certificated Employee Retirement Program

CalSTRS - California Teachers Retirement System


View Website

PARS Alternative Pension Plan

PARS - Public Agency Retirement Services

OUSD PARS Information

Tax-Sheltered Annuities (TSAs)

(optional additional savings opportunities)

403b and 457 tax-sheltered annuities allow you to set aside some of your income each month to go into tax-deferred retirement accounts.

For information about setting up these plans, please visit the CALPERS (classified) or CALSTRS (certificated) website to identify options and plans from which to select.

PLEASE NOTEOUSD Benefits staff cannot advise you on setting up or managing these savings plans. These plans must be set up by you working directly with a preferred provider - you can find plan descriptions, providers and contact information on your pension plan website.

OUSD TSA plans are administered by TCG, a Third-Party Administrator (TPA).  If you need to contact TCG about setting up a 403b or 457 plan, requesting a distribution of funds, or other questions, contact information follows:

Visit Website

(800) 943-9179


Supplemental Annuities

(optional additional savings opportunities)

OUSD offers a Supplemental Annuity to qualifying employees in certain bargaining units, offering another way to save for retirement. 

Plan Management 

All OUSD accounts are managed by Third Party Administrators (TPAs):

TPA for Classified Employees

BeneSys Administrators (effective 09/01/2016)
7180 Koll Center Parkway, Suite 200
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 398-7045 Main
(877) 494-0522 Toll Free
(925) 462-0108 Fax
Hours of Operations: Monday - Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm

TPA for Certificated Employees

Tom Curtin
Plan Manager
4160 Dublin Blvd., Suite 400
Dublin, CA 94568
(866) 376-2307 Main
(925) 833-7301 Fax