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Oakland Unified School District

OUSD Benefit Rates

(Active Full-Time and Part-Time Employees, Ex-Employees, and Retirees)

OUSD has managed to maintain an extremely generous Benefits program for many years and continues to strive to keep benefits affordable for employees:

  • Full-time employees DO NOT MAKE ANY PREMIUM CONTRIBUTIONS for health benefits (medical, dental, or vision) for themselves or dependents. This is an approximate value for employees equal to an additional 40% of salary.
  • Part-time employees contribute to their premium cost based on their FTE (hours worked).

    Part-time Rates
  • STIP subs do not pay premiums for Health or Dental benefits for themselves but do pay for their dependents.

    STIP Sub Rates
  • RETIREES pay part of their premiums - the amount depends on Medicare coverage.

    Retiree Premium Rates

  • COBRA benefit rates once you are no longer employed through OUSD

    COBRA Premium Rates

Contact Us

1011 Union Street, Site 944
Oakland, CA 94607

(510) 879-0202

Email Us

Weekly drop-in hours

The Benefits Team holds weekly drop-in hours on Thursdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm on Zoom

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