Arab American Programs & Services
OUSD is Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month in April and Beyond
Check out OUSD's Announcement & Arab American Heritage District Guide
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.College Deadlines ♦⇓♦ More information on how to get into college, go HERE
Is college not an option right now? Check out these programs:
Interested in Media? High school students between the ages of 14 and 18 are eligible to apply for YR's free, in-house training programs. After six months, you are eligible to apply for paid production internships with the YR Media enterprise. More info here
Interested in becoming an EMS?The purpose of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented emergency medical technicians through youth development and job training. The Alameda County Health Care Services Agency's EMS Corps is a 5-month paid (stipend) program for young men between the ages of 18 to 26. Participants will receive Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training, life coaching and participate in community service events. More info here.
Guided by the leadership of Arab youth leaders at our OUSD youth program, AROC is currently trying to disperse a survey to gather more data on the current struggles and issues facing Arab youth at OUSD.
Given the Current Pandemic and Political Climate That Disproportionately Impacts Arab Students, We Want to Re-examine the Experiences of Arab Youth in Oakland High Schools and to Find Ways to Be Better Responsive to Their Needs and Visions for a More Inclusive and Safe School Environment. Through These Surveys, We Hope to Identify the Scale and Scope of Problems Facing Arab Youth and to Ensure That Their Voices Are Heard in OUSD. The Survey Should Take About 5 Minutes, Questions Are Translated into Arabic, and There Is an Opportunity to Participate in a Raffle for a $25 Gift Card. Start the survey here
لماذا ننشر هذا الإستطلاع في اوكلاند؟
نظرًا للتغييرات في أنظمة التعليم في ظل الجائحة و تأثيرات الجائحة على الطلاب العرب تحديداً، نريد إعادة النظر في تجارب طلابنا في مدارس أوكلاند الثانوية وإيجاد طرق للاستجابة بشكل أفضل لاحتياجاتهم ودعم بيئة مدرسية أكثر شمولاً وأمانًا. من خلال هذه الاستطلاعات، نأمل تحديد حجم ونطاق المشاكل التي تواجه الطلاب العرب وتعزيز دورهم في إحداث تغيير إيجابي ضمن مديريات التربية والتعليم في أوكلاند.
يجب أن يستغرق الاستطلاع حوالي 5 دقائق ، الأسئلة مترجمة للعربية ، وهناك فرصة للمشاركة في السحب لربح بطاقة بقيمة 25 دولارًا.
سنقوم أيضاً بمشاركة نتائج الاستطلاع في الأسابيع القادمة. ابدأ الاستمارة هنا
"The Arab Culture" at Fremont High School: March 15th, 12:30-1:30pm
Contact: Ms. Dawa Mohssen
Know Your Rights Workshop
Office of Equity / CAIR Collaboration with MetWest Huggins Campus & Castlemont's Arab Student Union
Applications for AROC's AYO (Arab Youth Organizing) Leadership Program, are officially open for the Spring 2023 cohort!
Start Date
Starting on January 25th, meeting twice a month at the AROC office.
522 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA 94110
Apply here
For late applicants, please contact:
Winter Kickoff Event/ Resource Fair for OUSD Arab & SWANA Community
December 10th, 11:30am- 2:00pm
The OUSD Office of Equity (Arab-American Program nestled under AAPISA) in collaboration with community partners (AAYSP, AROC, SIDRA, Rihla, YARC, Golden Era Print) are hosting a Winter Kickoff/Resource Fair for our Arab/SWANA scholars and their families. Please join us! Dec 10, 2022 11:00 am, West Oakland Middle School (WOMS) 991 14th St, Oakland, CA 94607
Are you Arabic speaking, in high school and confused about what to do after high school? You're not alone!
OUSD's APISA Office of Equity Department is hosting a bilingual (English/Arabic) virtual college workshop on Tuesday, November 2nd at 4:30pm. Please join us and bring all of your burning questions. Please register ahead of time at: Parents are welcome. Arabic Translations provided. We look forward to seeing you soon! (Open to all MENA/SWANA/Arabic speaking students/families). Video can be found below, and slides here.
Community Listening Session: October 2nd, 11am
The OUSD Office of Equity (Arab-American Program nestled under APISA) in collaboration with Arab OUSD staff are hosting aCommunity Listening Session for our Arab/Arabic speaking scholars and their families.
PD: Preventing & Addressing Islamophobia and Bullying in Our Schools Facilitators: Jehan Hakim (Equity, Arab American Specialist)
- Deepen an understanding of the definition of Islamophobia, its historical context and its impact on American Muslim youth.
- Understanding how to address and prevent bullying in our schools, and develop ideas for Bullying Prevention Month in October.
Arab Community Based Partners:
The Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) is a grassroots organization working to empower and organize our community towards justice and self-determination for all. AROC
The Sidra Community Wellness Program focuses on wellness among Middle Eastern and North African communities in Alameda County. SIDRA
Sabria Hassan - Targeted Specialist - Arab American Student Excellence
Sabria Hassan is an OUSD alum, a Bay Area native and a mother to two children who also attend OUSD schools.
Sabria graduated from San Francisco State University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in History. She has worked with AAYSP (American Association of Yemeni Students and Professionals) building out OUSD targeted literacy programs for Arab and Afghan students who have some of the lowest literacy rates in the district. Sabria is determined to uplift and give back to a community she grew up in and eventually returned to serve.
Social Media:
Arab/MENA/Muslim Student Affinity Groups:
Oakland Tech High School: OT Middle Eastern Student Association on IG
AAYSP Literacy Partners:
Learn about our Targeted Literacy Programs for Arab American students