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Oakland Unified School District


Support APISA


Elevate Student Leadership & Voices for School and Systems Change!

Support our Asian and Pacific Islander youth, staff and families to lead transformative projects throughout Oakland's schools that lift up struggling students, elevate voices too often overlooked, and implement needed policy and institutional changes to improve academic, mental health, and post-secondary outcomes for Asian and Pacific Islander young people.

Students know best what's needed to support them in school, and we rely on their leadership to create change.  Your support helps us innovate programs and collaborations at the forefront of education justice.  Our goal is to raise $8,000  to support our youth Interns and Fellows, please help us by making a contribution today!

Help us raise $300,000 in seed funding to launch our programs!

We rely on individual donors and foundations to support our programming for our most struggling students, and seek support to hire additional staff, run pilot programs with our targeted populations, and develop a learning community in Oakland and regionally to share best practices.  Please read about our visions and needs for API students, and contact APISA Director Lailan Huen to get in touch.


Contact Us

Frick Middle School
2845 64th Ave - Music Building
Oakland, CA 94605

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Arab Asian Pacific Islander Student Achievement is a targeted initiative of the Oakland Unified School District's Office of Equity.

To learn more about the Office of Equity and other targeted initiatives, visit