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Oakland Unified School District

King Care Counseling and Student Services

King Care Counseling and Student Services includes varied structures to connect with Kings and their families to espouses independence with integrity through a strong focus on academics, literacy, and transformative social-emotional learning. The goal is to empower Kings and their families and improve academic and SEL outcomes for African-American male students.

AAMA King Care Counseling and Student Services Facilitators:

  • Will be assigned to a group of Kings to support them once a week with their academic and social emotional learning progress.

  • Will conduct a check in system with the Kings (Sown to Grow- Data Collection)

  • Will facilitate King Circles.

  • Will teach the Kings how to run circles with each other.

  • Will check in with the Kings’ parents via text or other means of communication.

  • Will monitor Kings attendance, grades, transcript audit, and behavior with the King Tracker.

  • Will provide resources to the Kings and their families.

  • Will inform the Kings and their families of events that are pertinent to their development (conferences, field trips, etc.)

  • Will provide a weekly report to the principal of the wins, challenges, and next steps with the Kings. 

  • Will have quarterly parent teacher conferences with the King and their parent either in person or virtual to discuss the status of the King and any issues that may need to be addressed to make sure the King is reaching his full potential.