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Oakland Unified School District

Pathways to a High School Diploma

NEW! Pathways to a High School Diploma for Adults (18yrs+) at Oakland Adult Career and Education (OACE).

All Classes are Free! Enroll Now!

OACE uses a blended learning model, which includes: online classes and curriculum, independent studies and/or computer lab classroom options for small group instruction. This allows for flexible hours to accommodate
students’ personal needs.

In addition, we also provide traditional site-based classroom instruction.


Adult High School Diploma:

  • Course Requirement of 130 credits
  • Online classes through FuelEd
  • Independent studies or computer lab classroom with option for small group instruction.

Concurrent Enrollment/Credit Recovery:

  • Must be 18yrs+ and enrolled in local high school.
  • Offers concurrent enrollment in additional classes (Online) that students will need in order to graduate from their local high school.

High School Equivalency Exams:

Can attend site-based classrooms or choose independent study by using an online curriculum to prepare for the exam.

  • GED Test
  • Hi-SET Exam