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Oakland Unified School District

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On-going registration for our High School Diploma Credit Recovery course is now open:

(Click on the link below to pre-register online)

HS Diploma/Credit Recovery Course

View our walk-in registration dates & times

This is a Self-Paced Online Class Where You Set Your Own Schedule and Have Access to Online Curriculum 24/7

Main Requirements:

  1. Work in an online curriculum, independently, for a minimum of 6-8 hours per week.
  2. Meet with OACE teacher face-to-face via in-person or online (Zoom) once a month.
  3. Weekly progress checks via Canvas.
  4. Visit office hours as needed for one-on-one tutoring

The process is for a student to have their high school counselor fill-out OACE concurrent enrollment form, so we will know which classes the counselor wants the student to take with OACE.

See Attachment

In addition, the student must go online and fill-out the online registration form and sign-up for the High School Diploma/Credit Recovery Class.

Online Registration for High School Diploma/Credit Recovery

Most importantly, the student MUST sign up for an online orientation via my online office hours.

During orientations, the student and I will:

  • Discuss their learning plan
  • Learn how to use Fueled, the online curriculum, and Canvas
  • Learn class requirements.

This appointment will be online on ZOOM. The student will sign-up for two back to back time slots, so we will have an hour to complete the orientation.
