Register Online Now
On-going registration for our High School Diploma Credit Recovery course is now open:
(Click on the link below to pre-register online)
HS Diploma/Credit Recovery Course
View our walk-in registration dates & times
This is a Self-Paced Online Class Where You Set Your Own Schedule and Have Access to Online Curriculum 24/7
Main Requirements:
- Work in an online curriculum, independently, for a minimum of 6-8 hours per week.
- Meet with OACE teacher face-to-face via in-person or online (Zoom) once a month.
- Weekly progress checks via Canvas.
- Visit office hours as needed for one-on-one tutoring
The process is for a student to have their high school counselor fill-out OACE concurrent enrollment
In addition, the student must go online and fill-out the online registration form and sign-up for the High School Diploma/Credit Recovery Class.
Online Registration for High School Diploma/Credit Recovery
Most importantly, the student MUST sign up for an online orientation via my online office hours.
During orientations, the student and I will:
- Discuss their learning plan
- Learn how to use Fueled, the online curriculum, and Canvas
- Learn class requirements.
This appointment will be online on ZOOM. The student will sign-up for two back to back time slots, so we will have an hour to complete the orientation.