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Oakland Unified School District

ESL Citizenship

Are you ready to take the next step towards becoming a proud citizen of the United States? Oakland Adult and Career Education (OACE) is excited to announce our Citizenship Test Preparation Class to help you pass the United Stated citizenship exam.

What does the US Citizenship Test Cover?

English Test Overview

For the English portion of the naturalization test you must demonstrate an understanding of the English language, including the ability to read, write, and speak basic English.

  • Your ability to speak and understand English will be determined by a USCIS officer during your eligibility interview on Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.
  • For the reading test, you must read out loud one out of three sentences correctly to demonstrate an ability to read in English.
  • For the writing test, you must write one out of three sentences correctly to demonstrate an ability to write in English.

Civics Test (2008 Version)

The civics portion of the naturalization test is an oral test. The USCIS officer will ask you up to 10 questions from the list of 100 civics test questions. You must answer 6 questions correctly to pass the civics test.

Note: This class is held in-person. All new/returning students registering for this course must attend one of these registration dates to complete an in-person assessment. Both walk-in
and online registrations are welcome!   

This class is FREE!

Translation services are available directly on our online registration portal.

General Registration for Spring 2025 is Now Open!

Please attend registration in-person on one of these dates if you would like to register for our Spring 2025 semester:


**Note: Arrive on time, we will only be able to support a limited number of registrations on each date. Students who arrive late, or after we reach capacity for the day, will be asked to attend our next available registration date. Allow up to one hour to complete the enrollment process.

Spring 2025 Registration Flyers

Walk-in Registration Calendar