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Oakland Unified School District

Progress Monitoring

Monitoring Our Progress

The Superintendent’s Dashboard is a display of the most important indicators to measure the growth of the system. The metrics selected are aligned to the District’s 4 LCAP goals and this strategic plan. The Dashboard will display the most current performance and help to inform key decisions to move us closer to our mission and vision.

The Dashboard will be capable of disaggregating data, in particular for student performance indicators by student groups, in order to ensure we are serving the whole child, eliminating inequity, and providing each child with excellent teachers, every day.

About the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

This Strategic Vision and Plan works in support of the District’s Reparations for Black Students Resolution and the Local Control and Accountability Plan. Together, these key planning vehicles drive coherence in the District’s objectives and actions. This plan specifies initiatives, focus areas, and actions for OUSD to reach the LCAP objectives and to realize the opportunities identified by the task force developed from the Reparations for Black Students Resolution.

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) guides how OUSD utilizes funding from the Local Control Funding Formula and other sources to meet the goals for all students, to better serve high-need students, and to reduce class sizes for grades K to 3. Grounded in our vision for student success, we engage students, parents, staff, and the wider community to develop goals, actions, and measures of progress for all student groups.

LCAP Goal 1: All students graduate college, career, and community ready.

Goal Metrics Baseline (2019-20)
Change in next 3 years

Early learners are achieving

Increase the percentage of K and 3rd graders reading at grade level on Spring i-Ready assessment

GrK: 52.0%**

Gr3: 30.2%**

12 (6 per year for two years)

Middle grade students are prepared for high school

Increase average distance from standard on smarter balanced/SBAC state assessments in 8th grade Mathematics



OUSD graduates are A-G ready

Increase the A-G completion rate with a grade of C graduates who complete HS in 4 years and those who completed HS in 5 or more years.

4-year: 58.1%

5 or more years: 10.1%


LCAP Goal 2: Focal student groups demonstrate accelerated growth to close our equity gap.

Goal Metrics Baseline (2019-20)
Change in next 3 years

English Learners are gaining English proficiency

Increase the English Learner (EL) reclassification rate



Black, Latinx, and foster youth are reading at grade level.

Decrease the percentage of grade 6-11 students in targeted groups reading multiple years below grade level on Spring Reading Inventory

Black: 41.9%*

Latinx: 50.1%*

Homeless: 64.7%*


LCAP Goal 3: Students and families are welcomed, safe, healthy, and engaged.

Goal Metrics Baseline (2019-20)
Change in next 3 years

Students attend school every day

Reduce chronic absenteeism rates (missing 10% or more of school days) for all students



Schools are inclusive of all students

Reduce the out-of-school suspension rate and student expulsions for Black and SWD

Suspension Black: 7.1%

Suspension SWD: 6.8%

Expulsion Black: 18

Expulsion SWD: 2

Suspension: -3

Expulsion: -6

Students and families are connected to schools

Increase the number of schools with at least 70% of students and parents who feel connected to their school



LCAP Goal 4: All staff are high quality, providing optimal service.

Goal Metrics Baseline (2019-20)
Change in next 3 years

All teachers at all schools are prepared and successful

Increase the one-year teacher retention rate

Black teachers: 84%

Latino teachers: 83%


All staff at all schools are trained to serve the students we have historically most marginalized

Increase the number of sites engaged in equity/anti-racist learning

