Get Involved
We will continue to keep this page updated with information on how you can get involved with our strategic planning efforts.
What's Next
Built into this Strategic Plan are concrete action plans, deliverables, and metrics by which to measure our success. The Plan also includes an ongoing dialogue with the community so we can continue to engage in meaningful partnership. From now until June 2024, OUSD will:
- Convene working groups to monitor year 1 actions and establish future actions and deliverables.
- Organize quarterly co-chair engagements with the Superintendent for progress updates and guidance.
- Provide additional opportunities for community engagement.
- Share the strategic plan with the broader community.
We invite you to stay connected by keeping an eye on this page for opportunities to raise your voice and share your vision for change in OUSD.
We All Must Mobilize
For this plan to succeed, the call-to-action is clear: We must all mobilize and work in cooperative, collaborative partnership. The work to fulfill the commitments outlined throughout the Strategic Plan calls upon every member of the Oakland community. From educators to small business owners, community leaders to family members, we all have a role to play in ensuring the long-term success of our students. We are committed to this work because our children—and the future of our city—deserve no less.
How will you step up to lead?
The Champion
Rises to advocate in support of all Oakland students, staff and the district, from the break room to the ballot box.
- Identifies opportunities to advance the work outlined within OUSD’s Strategic Vision + Plan, and does not wait to take action.
- Leverages OUSD’s Strategic Vision + Plan as a guide to support schools and staff in maintaining focus on district wide priorities.
The Defender
- Courageously steps into the fire to defend Oakland students, schools and the district against division, self-interest, toxic anger, and other elements that prevent the work from moving forward.
- Acknowledges past and current challenges, while concurrently centering optimism and sustained progress in service to Oakland students, staff, and schools.
The Giver
- Selflessly offers personal resources to help Oakland students, schools and the district thrive, including time, energy, and capital.
- Identifies numerous and creative resources to offer, including volunteering, political advocacy, internship and employment opportunities for students, unique events and fundraisers, and targeted donations.
The Uniter
- Actively works to unite groups across divisions and under a collective purpose of supporting all Oakland students and schools.
- Widely shares OUSD’s Strategic Vision + Plan throughout individual and organizational networks, rallying and organizing family, friends, and neighbors to get involved in support of OUSD.